Mantra Meditation To Open All Seven Chakras

To open the various chakra points, meditation techniques can be used.  Out of these techniques three methods are known to be particularly effective.  The three methods are: mantra meditation, chakra visualization, and kundalini yoga kriyas.  The positive points of these three methods in opening the chakras will be discussed in this article.

To start of we must first understand what a chakra is.  There are seven chakra within the human subtle anatomy.  Chakras are the energy points located along the spine of a person.  The first chakra is located at the very base of the spine and the last at the top of your head.  In between, you can find the remaining chakras.  Every chakra has its own corresponding organ system involved, and is responsible for a person’s behavioral traits and characteristics.

You can work with mantra meditation to open each chakra.  Since each chakra point contains a seed sound, chanting can be an aid in opening them.  Usually devotees of this meditation process use a beaded string, also called a mala to help them count the chants in a repetitive manner.

The purpose of opening chakras with the use of mantra meditation is to provide balance within the body and aid spiritual growth.  However, this technique must be practiced and used over time.  If you practice this type of technique and your body is not physically ready, then opening chakras haphazardly could lead to imbalances and complications within the body.  The primary reason for this is that the body is not ready to receive such a great flow of energy.

Listed below are the seven chakras:

·         Known as the first chakra and the root center of the body is Mooladhara.

·         Swadhistan is responsible for the sex center of the body.

·         Manipura is the third and is located at the navel center.

·         The heart center is called Anahata.

·         Fifth is Vishuddhi and is the throat center.

·         The sixth chakra is Aina and is the third eye center.

·         The last and seventh chakra is called Sahasrara which is the crown center.

Hopefully this article will help you in your quest for spiritual enlightenment and balance.  Surely mantra meditation is a great way to positively influence your body and spiritual practice for the better.

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