Inner Awareness – The Key To Personal Growth

From my late teenage years I started to be affected by acute anxiety attacks and this low-grade fear took it’s hold on an even deeper level within me during my early twenties. So I attempted to cope with it by using one of the most common anesthetics for emotional pain a lot of alcohol, and occasionally also using drugs. This worked to keep me functioning for two or three years but as with all emotional material that we deny or repress, it intensifies and comes out in a dysfuntional and lots more damaging way, in my case as chronic, serious bouts of depression.

So off I went to a psychiatrist’s clinic to determine if he could supply a solution. But of course, modern psychiatric care has moved to the prescription book as it’s foremost way of treatment, so medication is what I got. My body felt drugged and lethargic at first but the drugs did help me to cope with life, but alas, antidepressants and tranquilizers only help us to repress the emotional issue and to cope, while we hopefully go about finding the real cure to the underlying problem, instead of merely treating the symptoms.

I first started meditating in 1999 when I visited the TM (Transcendental Meditation) center close to where I lived, in Dublin, Ireland . It was fantastic . I experienced really pleasurable, deep meditations from the very beginning. I knew this was going to be a feature of my life long-term . But my alcohol and substance abuse continued and the pain thus intensified.

I realized that if I was to recover and heal that I might need to get sober and clean up my life. So I joined a 12-Step program and got sober. After a year sober I started mediting again, first with TM and then using an audio meditation system called Lifeflow, after reading a favorable review of the Lifeflow v Holosync programs on the internet . It enables deep meditation by merely listening to the sountracks. The awareness enabled by it is astounding and I have healed in a great number of ways emotionally in the past 3 years of using it.

Over the past one or two years some friends and family have joined me on this amazing journey of discovery and are using LifeFlow also. These new “brainwave entrainment” audio technologies are enabling growth in awareness in people who have struggled to find consistency in using conventional meditation modalities alone.

Gertrude Weiss is a healer and practices Meditation and Yoga. She was once inspired by a Lifeflow v Holosync review that persuaded her to experience deep meditation and accelerated personal healing using LifeFlow. She resides in Cologne, Germany.

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