Best books on mysticism -Advanced Meditations on Masonic Symbolism

Best books on mysticism -Advanced Meditations on Masonic Symbolism

Best books on mysticism

Advanced Meditations on Masonic Symbolism by John R. Heisner

best books on mystisismIn his Books on Masons Albert Pike wrote that where two or several of these sovereignties associate, the State begins, requiring each to relinquish a portion of his personal sovereignty. (Morals and Dogma). However, even in the act of relinquishment, the individual gains, for he participates in the establishment of a union whose ties shall never be dissolved. That union is called fraternity, a word that conveys both a definition of unity, as well as an understanding about how to accomplish human unification.

Many who join Freemasonry have at one time also been members of such fraternities, as well as other social fraternal organizations, such as the Moose or Elks lodges.  While certainly not denouncing or demeaning any of those fraternities that perform many valuable services to the societies in which their members live, the meaning of fraternity to the Craft is profoundly philosophical.

“Neither shall thy name any more be called Abram, 
but thy name shall be Abraham; for a father 
of nations have I made thee.”
Gen. 17:5


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Others believe that freedom is a matter of choice and therefore choose to act free, even though they may be in a horrendous state of fear.  Man is but of little time here on earth. 

But, why do we resist fear?  Most of us are not in combat and thus not at war.  The answer is that we have so conditioned our faith and our minds that we know that we, like all men, will die. Many select slavery and yield. Masonic Apron Cases pose as symbols for higher truth.

Yet, his spirit lives forever.  We ought not to care so much about our welfare here on earth as to sacrifice the great gift of freedom God has given us.

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