Helpful Techniques In Guided Meditation

tionIndividuals seek ways to manage stress and some resort to new age techniques such as meditation. Meditation is the use of sounds that are constantly repeated or chanted which emphasizes the sound itself. Some religious groups claim that chanting in meditation help create a different mind-set since the brain apparently secrete endorphins or natural pain killers that calms down the being of the person. The endorphins also create a ‘natural high’ feeling which testifies to the presence of endorphins working as a result of meditation.

There are different types of meditation depending upon its origins but the most common are Chinese, Indian and Tibetan meditation. The Tibetan meditation or Tibetan Chi Kung is actually part of yoga and martial arts practiced by people from Tibet’s remote places. Normally, meditation is reputed to relax both body and mind which is why it is a popular form of stress management. Tibetan meditation share its similarities with Chinese method when it comes to getting rid of blockages in some major organs of the body such as heart, liver, kidney and spleen. Nevertheless, Tibetan meditation has unique properties and is not only used for healing but as a form of connecting with spiritual powers as well.

Guided meditation techniques  also teach that when chanting a mantra, they would experience a sensation that would make one very sensitive to the environment around him. This creates heightened senses with a relaxed mind and body. Normally, the mantra is derived from Sanskrit- a very old Indian language. Traditionally, mantra sounds represents states of consciousness like dreaming that makes meditation effective.

The proper way of beginning with Tibetan meditation is by seeking a quite place where you can’t be disturbed by other people or loud noises. The most preferable part of the day to begin meditating is in the morning when everything is still calm and your mind is free from worries. Sit comfortably with your legs across but ensure that you sit in an upright position. The thumbs should be located just a few inches below the navel and they should touch each other. As you meditate, think of images that help you focus such as mountains or waterfalls. Do this step for at least 10 minutes and see the heightened awareness you have gained.

There are many available healing meditation music as well as visual images available online. These aids can assist guided meditation through its calming music and helpful instructions which can enhance focus. Truly, healing meditation is an alternative approach to a natural and safer recovery from sickness.


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