Premier Handicapped Bathtub

Premier Handicapped Bathtub

Premier Handicapped Bathtub

A bathroom is a necessity in every single home, and the design of a bathroom needs to be well thought out. Because different households contain different types of family members, certain types of bathtubs suit different types of households. Households with elderly members, or families that have elderly members visit frequently, should consider installing a Premier Handicapped Bathtub into their bathroom, since it is a safer and easier method for the elderly to bathe in their homes.

Handicapped Bathtub


Handicapped Bathtubs offers a wide variety of walk-in bathtubs, which allow the elderly to bathe without having to worry about stepping over the side of the tub. Many of the Premier models also contain a seat in the tub, so the elderly never have to worry about bending all the way down to the bottom of the tub. The elderly and disabled no longer have to be challenged by taking a bath, since Premier Tubs allow them to bathe without any hassle.


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