Green Options, Tip – Alternative Energy Sources

Biomass, wind, sunlight and water make viable alternative energy sources that reduce the level of the emissions harmful for the environment. From all the green-energy resources, bio fuel like food remains and palm oil are controversial. Without proper care, these alternative energy sources have an insignificant influence on the reduction of global warming, not to mention that they could lead to a high competition on the food market.

In the category of highly advanced but extremely efficient types of alternative energy sources, we ought to mention floating wind farms. They can harness the powerful ocean winds, going 700 meters deep in the water. The wind still has obstructions on the coast, which is why floating wind farms have an improved potential for energy production.

Among other alternative energy sources we should mention biogas digestion resulting in the generation of methane. Garbage and sewage systems represent a huge energy deposit given the fact that methane is produced by bacteria breaking down the biomass in an air-free environment. If ‘digesters’ were used, the resulting methane could be collected and put to very good use.

Hydrogen, as a water byproduct can also produce high amounts of energy on the one condition that it be used correctly and in optimal conditions. So far, the commercial use of hydrogen as one of the alternative energy sources has proved inefficient. The challenge is that of implementing the hydrogen production system on the large scale. Yet, hopes remain high that this extremely abundant chemical element will produce the energy people need.

Although influenced by climate in terms of efficiency, solar lighting for instance solar path lights and solar energy remain the most popular and efficient of all green friendly lighting and alternative energy sources. It is highly efficient for the generation of electricity for home heating, different appliances and indoor garden setups like homemade aeroponics systems or organic hydroponics system. Moreover, the government offers very advantageous rebates and tax reductions for the purchase and installation of solar panels. Carefully look into the regulations specific for such situation so that you identify the IRS forms you need to fill.

Always appreciate the efficiency of alternative energy sources in your particular case. The efficiency of the power system could be improved by using two types of renewable energy. Much better energy levels are thus more within reach with dual systems like solar power for in house lighting and outdoor decor lights for example backyard solar flagpole lights and wind power for the rest of the electric needs!

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